Morning blessed of the LORD.
How is it going?
Well I hope.
If not,
Perhaps this has been happening—Some invisible tripwires got triggered without you knowing.
For there is no dispute…
Everywhere has an entrance.
Which could be,
Which also may be legal or illegal access points in or out of a place.
So it makes sense…
To every entrance there must be an EXIT.
There are entrances and exits in the supernatural realm too.
Take for instance,
Cursed ground.
Scripture paints a vivid picture of what happens once you step on it.
SHECHEM is one example…
“Abram passed through the land to the place at Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land.”
Genesis 12:6 ESV
Abram arrived in peace there. Jacob did some years later too, yet don’t let that fool you.
Shechem was bad news.
See for yourself…
Dinah, Jacobs daughter was raped by the son of Hamor there when twelve.*
The whole town suffered mass slaughter as retribution by Simeon and Levi.
The sons of Jacob were plundered by Amorites suffering financial loss there.*
At Shechem Jospeh was kidnapped, nearly murdered and sent into slavery.
Later it became ‘a city of refuge’ for men with blood on their hands.
So too in our times saint, avoiding dangerous ’Shechem like’ places is crucial.
Before I was saved…
I found this out the hard way.
One evening,
As dusk fell deep in the country, my best friend and I crossed over a gate into a field (I was eighteen at the time learning about transcendental meditation and not yet a Christian).
Then weirdly a few minutes later… as it grew darker I suddenly broke out in chanting. In a way similar to what Hindus might call a ‘mantra’.
Anyway as I chanted just as all our light went…
To my total bewilderment… ’something’ invisible landed on top of my head!*
Whatever ‘it’ was climbed inside my head. Into me. And on down inside my chest.*
I actually felt it go down inside me, as if I was swallowing something vile.
Either way…
Unfortunately… this ‘thing’ it got in.
Which was terrible news for me.
Yet it was too late.
Without knowing it, out in the countryside…
I had crossed over the threshold of a stronghold of evil
Either the chanting, the hashish we’d smoked, or by stumbling over an area that occultists used for their rituals unknown to us…
Or by a combination of all three I’d triggered the tripwire. This gave the demon permission to enter.
(Remember I was not a Christian at this time).
After that,
Friends said my personality changed overnight.
And not in a good way.
Thankfully though,
By GOD’s wonderful grace…
Two years later I was born again.
And just a week after I was saved Jesus delivered me from that spirit (and loads of others*).
(Please read the account of that nights amazing encounter with the Holy Spirit here—Take special note of how the Holy Spirit of GOD came upon MY HEAD with FIRE*… and then… went inside me! Then deep inside my chest down to my toes… this time though it was amazing. GOOD, not evil! And then the Holy Spirit drove this spirit (and loads of others too) out in a very powerful way. Read it in chapter 15 here for more detail).
I am forever thankful that all authority in heaven and earth is given to Jesus!
Remember dear saint…
There is ALWAYS an exit.
No matter what has happened to you. CAN BE FIXED.
100% new.
You can and will be healed. You will be delivered.
Only believe and you will see the glory of GOD.
Because here’s the thing…
Dear saint and destined for extraordinary glory before the world even began…
There is a door before you to ask at.
Knock and it will open to you. (Matthew 7:7)
Yet that’s not all. God’s will for you is this,
After which…
You become the DOOR.
You become the THRESHOLD for God’s glory to others.
For wherever you go, His will is this…
You will become ‘the door of blessing.’
No more Shechem disasters for your life.
All that cursed you will be reversed.
You will be blessed without fail.
Instead for you dear overcomer,
This time is for you.
Only blessing.
Blessed, holy ground only.
After which Jesus’s nail pierced feet will walk IN YOUR SHOES.
For example.
Two weeks ago,
An old man waved for me to help him cross the road.
He was desperate to get to the surgery and very poorly.
And so I helped him cross safely.
On the other side though…
I asked him if he wanted me to pray for him because he said he was in terrible pain.
And he replied with deep conviction.
“YES please!”
(He was not a Christian and I had never met him before).
So around the corner at the entrance of the surgery, as he bowed his head…
I laid hands on his stomach and prayed in the Name of Jesus
He started shaking as the Holy Spirit began to touch him.
Funny thing is, when we finally got someone to see this man he really didn’t know what to say.
He told the lady…
“My stomach seems to be fine now??”
(Lol! Yet he’d been asleep 24/7 for two nights before and had awoken with agonising pain in his stomach which is why he went straight round to the surgery to get seen).
To finish up then…
What happened to this old man?
He looked for the door of the NHS surgery to help save his health.
Instead before he got there… the LORD intercepted him.
And he found himself on blessed ground peering across the road…
He saw ‘The Door’ to go through in me
(I am nothing saint. All is Christ. All is for GOD’s glory).
Where I walk I claim for Jesus as blessed ground.
And so it is with you saint of the Most High.
Do you know YOU are the answer…
To all cursed ground around you?
It’s true.
Avoid Shechem.
Dwell forever at Bethel (The Gate and House of GOD).
Stay on blessed ground.
You carry the blessing.
So simply pour it out overcomer. It is limitless,
And invincible and so will you be.
Bless you.
*Chapter 15 of God’s Big Plan For Your Life—The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (and instant deliverance)
*Shechem is modern day Nablus in Israel (West Bank) Still troublesome to this day.
*Dinah was only twelve years old when kidnapped and raped by the Son of Hamor at Shechem (Book of Jubilees Ch 30:2 - Not scripture yet common knowledge during Second Temple period).
*The account of Jacobs sons being plundered by the Amorites is in the Book of Jasher (Not Scripture yet referenced 2 Samuel 1:18).
“And he [Jacob] was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
Genesis 28:17 ESV