Hi overcomer,
From a cosy winters afternoon in the North of England.
Welcome news for the weekend :)
“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”
Romans 16:20 ESV
Which gives us a ready reminder,
That we should always judge.
For Paul says...
“The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one."
1 Corinthians 2:15 ESV
And learning to judge accurately is a must, because each day your loved ones rely on you to do the right thing.
Yet doing the right thing is not enough.
You also need to do it...
In the right place.
At the seat of everlasting authority and power:
The Royal (Law) Courts Of Heaven
And quickly too.
Before any evil decrees sent against you start piling up...
Or GOD forbid,
Plunge you into costly, stubborn, baffling problems.
By God's grace...
My wife and I discovered how to cut off these sorts of evil proceedings at birth. (After suffering much over many years).
When we get an inkling in the spirit.*
A knowing. An insight…
Or even just a mild sense that something not good could be stirring against us,
We seek GOD for clarity.
Then we might for example,
Perceive an impression bubbling up in our spirit like this...
"Certain characters [could be human or spirits acting here] are moving against us concerning [XYZ].
They are seeking to construct a case against us at court. To gather a group to come against us at [X,Y,Z]."
Once we 'see it'...
Then as 1 Corinthians 2:15 above teaches us, we judge the insight we've received.
And next we raise our objection against these actions before GOD, our Father in Heaven.
We do so by seeking REPRESENTATION in His royal courts.
Where Christ as our Advocate represents us (1 John 2:1).
And on a purely LEGAL footing;
We OBJECT wicked accusations/charges/slanders that have been lodged against us. (For these evil ones operate by Law too—The Law of Sin and Death).
And here’s the frankly amazing news overcomer!
Once we know what we’re up against,
To a large extent...
It does not matter what has been brought against us.
Because Christs defence for those He loves is so perfect.
So robust. And so complete on every count.
That 99% of the time the arguments brought to law against us collapse. (Hebrews 10:12)
Over time we’ve found a petition like the one below very effective.
(NOTE: Especially if you take communion together at the same time).*
Here is pretty much what we agree together in (warning, it's quite a long) prayer.
Pray it loud, of course ;)
“Dear Father GOD, in the Name of Jesus Christ…
We agree with your Word that says Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to save us from our sins. (1 John 3:8)
LORD we also repent of all our sins.
We also repent...
Of all slander, accusation and charges that we may have harboured against any other person* concerning these matters we cover now.
Thank you for forgiving us because...
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1: 9 ESV
Therefore today on the basis of the New Covenant that you made with us, RATIFIED in the body and blood of your son Jesus…
And object against any and all charges, accusations and slanders levied against us in the Law Courts of Heaven... in Jesus Name.
We object Father GOD, because your word says...
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
Romans 8:2 KJV
Father, the Law of Sin and Death HAS NO JURISDICTION over us any longer. Jesus blood released us from it!
Therefore we strongly request that we be NOT JUDGED according to the Law of Sin and Death Father. (The penalty of which has been fully paid by the death of Christ already... on our behalf).
Instead we request therefore...
That we ONLY be judged according to the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ
Let it also be recorded in the Law Courts of Heaven.
That all our family fully accept all the terms and conditions of the New Covenant. The covenant you made with us through the death of your Son Jesus at Golgotha.
We also request...
And ask that Jesus would defend us at court.
That Jesus Christ the Righteous would be our advocate before you LORD and your heavenly judges and elders at court in these matters.
As such…
Father we thank you that not only is Jesus the Propitiation for our sins, (1 John 4:10) plus our defence attorney…
But wonderfully Father!
You even appointed Jesus to be the JUDGE in our case as well!
His judgment is always true with perfect justice.
Whether we like the outcome or not...
We fully accept His decisions regarding our case—Whether for our good or ill. For gain or loss. For our full acquittal and blessing.
If required…
A court decision is made against us for our chastening.
It makes no difference. Jesus is perfect.
So are His legal decisions.
And so in all these things we submit to the final decisions of the court adjudicated by the Supreme Judge you appointed Father...
Which is Jesus Christ your Son.
“For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father.”
John 5:22 ESV.
Thy will be done LORD.
That said Father,
Please let us make one last very bold request.
We repented earlier. And we are forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness right now.
Therefore in ADDITION we request
That Jesus would acquit, refute, reject and NULLIFY ALL claims made against us [by XYZ] in the Law Courts of Heaven now.
Please grant us... full IMMEDIATE, ACQUITTAL from all these Satanic charges, accusations and slanders brought against us [By XYZ here]*... in Jesus Christ’s Name.
LORD we request this FULL ACQUITTAL only because you made a way for us to come boldly to the Throne of Grace to get help.
Through the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20)...
The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The New Covenant.
The New Law.
In Jesus Name.
There we are then saint.
My wife and I have found this approach before the court of heaven very effective.
Can you see how the LORD has kind of, (yet 100% legally)…
100% in your favour!
Start praying in this way when you sense trouble is brewing against you.
You don’t need to fight overcomer.
Make your request.
Leave it to Jesus.
And rest. A brighter tomorrow will dawn for you.
One full of righteousness, peace and joy.
Bless you.
“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything,
But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:5b-7 ESV
And don't forget!
Take the bread and wine at the same time. Nothing will be able to stand at court against you, your spouse and Jesus and His blood and His Father, His Spirit, All the hosts of heavens angels and the great cloud of witnesses… er… need I go on!
*A three stranded cord is not easily broken.
1. Appeal on basis of New Covenant.
2. Seal petition with the bread and wine.
3. Use the power of agreement:
Deeply powerful between...
Husband and wife agreeing with the LORD.
*[concerning XYZ—If you have specific revelation on a given path you sense the enemy is taking against you say it here].
*[XYZ—Especially name specific people involved or that came to mind here etc].
* You have two choices saint;
Get things legally sorted in heaven = You see the result on earth in your favour.
Ignore what is being brought against you in heaven. And IT WILL END UP AGAINST YOU ON EARTH = Whirlwind 'bolt from the blue' type storms that appear from nowhere etc.
PPS Of course, if you are single, just adapt the prayer accordingly.
AMEN! This even applies to all the self-condemnation and accusations we have been well trained to engage in. REFUSE to entertain these, but OBJECT and REFUTE them, regardless where they come from!
Thank you so much for sharing!