Hi overcomer.
May Jesus speak with you every day now.
And this be your daily bread...
"Jesus answered and said to him, “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him."
John 14:23 NABRE
Just imagine, Father and Jesus living with you... and also being able to ask them anything anytime!
On the flip side of course,
Evil spirits try to interfere with our Godly communications... disrupting this very daily communion with Him.
Their goal is to block, hinder and delay every earnest saint walking on the right path the LORD gives them.
Satan hindered the Apostle Paul like this too...
"Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us."
1 Thessalonians 2: 18 NKJV
So wicked spirits often impersonate the Holy Spirit* to achieve such objectives. Not every supernatural communication is divine communication.
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
2 Corinthians 11:4 ESV
Yet none of this need trouble us overcomer.
After all...
Jesus is with US :)
Here is a prayer the Holy Spirit leads me to pray quite often in order to disrupt and overthrow such evil operations.
I find it very effective.
You can deploy it by faith to destroy the power of satanic communication systems operating against you.
Before I share it maybe you’re asking…
What are satanic communication systems anyway?
Why enter spiritual warfare to deal with them?
The answer is simple,
As in heaven… so on earth.
re: War in particular.
Just as in human warfare one of the most effective things you can do is take out the power of the enemies communication systems,
It works the same way in the supernatural realm. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see what must be done. We simply do it.
So, step by step...
Divine instruction comes to us,
We execute His leading…
And “BOOM!”
Down goes another one of the enemies craft in flames.
In fact,
Responding to God's instruction like this means you could save a life (See the second testimony below).*
Here is the prayer template I promised you to deal with evil communication systems being deployed against you…
“In the Name of Jesus Christ,
I decree an interruption!
I decree an overthrow, an UPROOTING…
A smashing to pieces and a burning to ashes…
Of every Satanic communication system and every Satanic, evil or demonic communication network... along with every evil database deployed against me, my wife and my children... and all things that pertain to us in the Name of Jesus Christ.
I have authority to decree this mandate as a King and a Priest of GOD (Revelation 1:6 NJKV) in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Thank you dear Father, no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus Name!
Of course I pray and declare this mandate OUT LOUD verbally. The Holy Spirit will prompt when you need to use it. (As your teacher He will always lead you into truth).
In addition though…
To help you win more battles in spiritual warfare than you lose I've included a tiny PDF for more study into how the supernatural works here.
There is no cost for it.
The PDF is the testimony of a man of GOD. Having said that, before he was born again he worked for ‘the other side.’
Wonderfully though...
After getting saved he shared exactly how every believer can muzzle the powers of darkness. Halt everything they do.
Praise God!
As you read it you will see the patterns of how these ‘comms systems’ work in the spiritual realm. (Note: There may be things in the PDF you don’t understand… don’t worry, just use what the LORD reveals to you in it. More revelation can come later).
That said let's finish up...
By considering divine communications.
Three in one actually :)
Words of knowledge.
Here are two examples just in during the past couple of weeks.
The first combines all three above—Dream + Prophetic + Word of knowledge.
Last week a subscriber and I were on a call together.
In it he shared a wonderful dream with me.
Yet here's what is so interesting about it…
His dream was STUFFED with layers of divine instruction.
After the call I pondered this brother’s dream for a few days. And because it stayed with me persistently, I realised GOD wished to show me more concerning it.
So I asked Jesus to tell me more because I was all ears :)
And so,
The following morning the LORD gave a word of knowledge*
He explained...
Not only did the dream contain the key to why some believers were full of victory and life (yet others weak and withering on the vine sadly).
But further...
It was also a PROPHECY for the brothers ministry,
Confirming his next steps vividly.
However, neither this brother nor I could see the full extent of the divine communication sent to empower him until the word of knowledge came and put all the pieces together.
And so...
The word of knowledge completed the picture GOD wanted him to have. To seal it in his heart and encourage him to press forward.
After texting him the word of knowledge the brother replied with joy that indeed, the Holy Spirit confirmed what was revealed in the text :)
How lovely!
May GOD confirm His way always.
*Lastly, here’s the second testimony.
A little while ago the Holy Spirit led me to pray very specifically each day for a certain influential person.
The LORD showed me he was in danger of death.
That he would be a target of assassination.
So my mandate was clear...
To pray for divine protection and deliverance for this person from those who were plotting to blot his name from out of the earth.
So what happened?
Lo and behold it's just been reported in the news that an assassins ring, set up to murder this person has been captured.
Their wicked plan INTERRUPTED and destroyed because the LORD exposed their whole network.
Now it is gone.
Glory is to GOD alone for His rescue!
Dear overcomer.
You can intervene... in prayer.
YOU have the anointing for EVERYTHING.
"The anointing you received from God abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you this.
Instead, because God’s anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not a lie, abide in him, as he taught you to do."
1 John 2:26-28 ISV
Bless you.
*See chapter 15 of "How to Unlock God's Big Plan For Your Life" for how to discern the difference between the true Holy Spirit and the spirits which impersonate Him so often.
Oops! I nearly forgot…
Here’s the PDF I promised you above :)
*The word of knowledge is most often manifested as an instant direct communication of a word from GOD concerning two people together or certain situation. We will cover more on this soon.