Hello overcomer,
Nice to chat with you again.
I have excellent news for you.
That said,
What you're going to uncover below is often misunderstood (at least here in the West). Which is a pity... because this spiritual weapon is so lethal against the powers of darkness.
And it brings so much freedom.
Here's the best thing too...
A weak saint with almost no understanding of spiritual warfare, healing or deliverance... can still generate more than enough raw power to bring them victory wherever they need it.
Multiple breakthroughs.
Fresh victories. Steady, increasing joy.
Yet there are some caveats...
1. It's kind of boring.
2. You must hit 'flash point' to ignite it.
3. You get no glory - Jesus gets it all.
This story shows how it can work...
One night at 2:30am I got up and made some tea. I was troubled and could not sleep. I felt uneasy. Kind of constricted yet did not know why.
I did this 'repetition' below for almost three hours.
Nothing else.
I will be honest, it was boring. Can't say it wasn't (sorry LORD).
Yet I did feel led by the Holy Spirit to do it though, so I kept on with the same boring thing, over and over... wanting to obey GOD.
After a couple of hours like this though, things took a strange turn.
With eyes shut, it starting feeling like I was walking deeper and deeper down inside a dark tunnel in the heart of a winter mountain.
This scripture flashed into my mind as I journeyed down and down…
“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”
Proverbs 20:27 KJV
Then stuff got weird...
I started feeling extreme fear.
I went dizzy and felt sick.
All at once I fell forwards and clutching my chest, suddenly began wretching and coughing painfully right there on the sofa.
And then... KABOOM!
Instantly in a flash 'It' was gone.
(Whatever 'It' was!)
And I felt immediate release and a deep sense of peace.
When I came to, I was sweating like mad and worn out, yet knew I'd received a big breakthrough. Turns out I'd been delivered from an evil spirit buried somewhere down in my soul*.
Here is what's so cool...
No human 'counselling' or 'ministry' was required at all.
No 'Word of knowledge' was given me nor was needed either.
No idea what the demon was, or where it came from, other than it may have been ancestral... I perceived that much as it left.
The Holy Spirit simply did the whole 'operation' Himself.
I was clueless the entire time.
I just obeyed the LORD by using boring 'Stealth Mode' for a couple of hours. By doing so, seems in return... the LORD took over.
What a result though…
Liberty. Peace. Wholeness.
Wonderful HEALING.
Glory to GOD!
So what is 'Stealth mode' Dave (if that's what you say you were using)?
It's simply praying in tongues dear saint.
Here's why it is so deadly to use (both offensively and defensively) against your foes.
1. Your spiritual enemies don't know what you are praying
And neither do you…
"For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.'
... the one who speaks in a tongue builds himself up."
1 Cor: 14:2,4. ESV
(Hence the powers of darkness cannot see where to attack to block or hinder the answers GOD sends out to you. Plus you can't botch the answers up by getting into unbelief either).
2. By using tongues you operate at the 'Speed of light.'
That’s because GOD the Holy Spirit IS LIGHT as isGOD the Father. He then answers at these type of prayers at... the speed of light.
So Light speaks instantly to Light and He sends... light back to you.
3. Think of praying in tongues therefore as THE ULTIMATE PRAYER ANSWER ACCELERATOR.
It works like this.
Using your gift of tongues...
The Holy Spirit prays through you.
He knows what need BEFORE YOU ASK. He knows you better (AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED) way better than you do.
So He prays the right prayer to get EXACTLY what you (really) need.
Because He is praying, Father WILL answer Him.
The Holy Spirit is in heaven. Yet He is INSIDE YOU here on earth at the same time... All the while He INSTANTLY consults with your Father in heaven and the LORD Jesus at the same time.
Picture it like kind of like this...
The 'Trinity' holding a war counsel in heaven to help and answer you. (The Holy Trinity may invite angels into their war room to consult with them too).
Father, Son and Holy Spirit agree a plan together for you which will DEFINITELY succeed.
They 'Amen' it together as ONE.
Next the Holy Spirit sets this divine plan into motion for your answer. He sends it from the spiritual realm down to you in the natural/physical realm.
He may for example...
Command GODs angels to attack and destroy a stronghold the enemy has built to hinder, harrass or block your progress. (Your answer then manifests a few days later. Your way becomes clear. Or you realise you are no longer suffering in a certain area of your life. Instead you KNOW you are free. )
Or He may...
Prompt someone to send you funds.
Remove a curse against your marriage.
Heal you of a deadly disease.
Whatever, you get the picture.
To sum up…
GOD the Holy Spirit is PERFECT.
He will pray PERFECT prayers that HE ALREADY KNOWS WILL BE ANSWERED by our Father and the LORD Jesus. Your answer is... ALREADY a done deal.
GOD the Holy Spirit is OMNISCIENT.
So He also knows what your enemies are plotting against you.
He will destroy their entire strategy against you before they even get a chance to launch it… if you co-operate with Him by allowing Him to pray with and in you...
In tongues :)
Cool eh!
If you want to see for yourself,
When you next go to prayer...
Switch over into Gods 'Stealth Mode' style of praying - in tongues.
Keep going for as long as you can, even if it seems boring. (Sometimes praying in tongues feels like starting an old car on a frosty morning).
Yet as you feel it starting to fire up, keep going until you sense the divine 'flashpoint' where suddenly your prayer 'catches fire.’
When it gets to this point... wow! You will start to hit the 'speed of light!'
And when that happens…
Get ready for answers to start arriving thick and fast over the next few days.
The enemy won't see you coming or what's hit him either ;)
Good eh!
So go forth to conquer beloved of GOD. You have limitless power.
The LORD is with you.
Dave Alston.
PS By the way the No1 way Jackie Pullinger (author of Chasing The Dragon) grew her astonishing ministry of setting heroin addicts free and shutting down the terrifying Chinese Triad Gangs was...
You guessed it,
Praying in tongues!
PPS If you don't know who the Holy Spirit is yet...
Or how to receive the (true, authentic) Baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues then read Chapter 15: The Truth About The Holy Spirit in here
*Something to ponder - This demon was not in my spirit. It was in my soul. Big difference between your soul and their spirit. Doctrinely important too. My spirit was born again. The Holy Spirit lives in me… and has done since 1984.
I'd been a Christian for years by the time of this deliverance.
This was also later than the healing recorded in Chapter 9 of my book.
And btw if you don’t believe Christians can suffer from demons perhaps read the first book I ever read on this subject… it changed me forever.
It’s called ‘Christian Set Yourself Free’ by Graham and Shirley Powell.