Hello overcomer.
Let’s agree together before our Great Father and His Mighty Son, that the word He gives you here will bring you a lifetime of victory.
Today we’re covering…
One of the big mistakes Christians make seeking breakthroughs from GOD in prayer.
Happily though it’s one of the easiest to fix.
And results can be spectacular.
This ‘other’ faith can even bring the dead back to life as GOD did for a man my wife and I prayed for once (May the LORD alone have all the glory. He did it. Not us).
So let’s begin!
You’ve been given faith by GOD.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8 KJV
And this faith is so potent, GOD only drops a TINY piece of it into your hand.
A tiny mustard seed that’s all.
Yet despite being so small, it has vast potential to grow. To become a great tree in the garden of your life. To cast mountains into the sea.
(Mark 13:31, Matthew 17:20 NIV)
Which is all good yet right there the faith of many crumbles.
How so?
They miss the divine principle that DEATH must first proceed before LIFE.*
Before resurrection there must be death.
A seed must be buried in order to grow.
To come to life in a DIFFERENT FORM… (not just potential).
Jesus makes this all plain for us…
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
John 12:24 ESV
Got it?
Choose good ground.
Sow your mustard seed of faith.
Of course there are different types of soil to plant your seed of faith into.
Yet only ONE of those types of soil produces an HUNDRED FOLD result every time.
So where do we find such ’good soil’ to plant our faith for such returns?
Jesus of course.
The Apostle Paul reveals how to combine this ‘perfect soil’ with our little ‘seeds of faith.’
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20 KJV
(Note: The huge difference between our faith and the faith of Jesus).
This true story below by Smith Wigglesworth is illustrates how this ‘other’ faith, ‘the faith of the Son of God’ actually works when a crisis hits…
“I want to show you the difference between our faith and the faith of Jesus Christ. Our faith is limited and comes to an end.
“Lord, I can go no further. I have gone so far, and I cannot go on.” But God can help us and take us beyond this.”*
Smith then describes the insane woman he was dealing with…
“Her reason was gone... absolutely Satanic…
It was heartbreaking.
I saw there, in the presence of that demented girl, limitations to my faith... but as I prayed there came another faith into my heart that could not be denied.
A faith that grasped the promises, a faith that believed God’s Word. I came from the presence of the glory back to earth.
I was not the same man. With a faith that could shake hell and move anything else, I cried to the demon power that was making this young woman a maniac...
“Come out of her, in the Name of Jesus!”
She rolled over and fell asleep and awakened in fourteen hours, perfectly sane and perfectly whole."*
From Smiths wonderful testimony this becomes clear…
There are two types of faith.
Little faith.
Big faith.
Our faith.
Jesus’ faith.
Ours is the little faith: It’s the seed form.
We must plant it.
Jesus is the ‘Big Faith’: And the Great Field with ‘treasure hidden in it’ (Matthew 13:44 NIV) and which produces miracle growth. Victory. Breakthrough.
His field gives whoever who plants in it a ONE HUNDRED FOLD RETURN.
We now also see...
There are two ways to live,
By the faith of the Son Of GOD. Or not.
Lastly let’s finish,
With more from Smith Wigglesworth’s testimony about the maniacal woman…
“And then with what faith I had… I began to penetrate the heavens. I was soon out on the heights and I tell you I never saw a man get anything from God who prayed on the earth level. If you get anything from God you will have to pray right into heaven, for all you want is there.
If you were living an earthly life, all taken up with sensual things, and expect things from heaven, they will never come.”*
Now over to you precious one.
Live BY the FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD who loves you.
Press your ‘seed of faith’ into His hand.
He is the ‘Great field.’
It will grow.
Bless you.
PS Facing the impossible?
Don’t worry…
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20 NIV
Ask GOD to teach you how to “Live by the faith of the Son of God” and not merely your own faith or ways of doing things.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
*“The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
Revelation 13:8 KJV
*Frodsham SH (1949) Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith. (Pages 106-107) Assemblies of God Publishing House.