Are you…

A struggling Christian drowning in hellish spiritual onslaughts?

Don't worry. Real help is here.

It won't cost you a penny.


Download 3 free, fast easy read PDFs... from a remarkable yet retired book.

They are...

  • The Sin Which No One Talks About—Not Even Your Pastor.

  • How To Overcome Ever Stubborn Persistent Sin You’ll Ever Face.

  • The One Secret To Everything In The Christian Life.

So come dear saint.

All is ready...

“Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters!

Also, you that have no money, come, buy, and eat! Come!

Buy wine and milk without money and without price."

Isaiah 55:1 ISV

Stay blessed.

The LORD is coming back soon :)


"Hi Dave. I’m on page 296 of your book already and it’s only been four days! I’ve been a Christian for six months, but your book covers things that nobody could help me with (and I was ashamed to tell people about actually).

I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to face up to what needs sorting in their life.”


Or Neels…

"Dave man, one night I was hopeless and in despair I was looking for answers and, in my hopelessness, I typed "Jesus help me" on the internet and I came onto your website and downloaded your stuK.

You gave me hope that night, but not the way you would expect – it wasn’t about what you said as much as it was the humility and the humbleness in which you said it.

I fell instantly in love with you man, because you had something in your voice, that was not from man, but from God....and I realised that it’s not the doctrine or the knowledge or even the anointing, but it’s about the heart from which it comes and if God is love, it ought to be the greatest manifestation of His sons and it ought to be the only message to the world out there.

Today I am stopping to tell people how much God loves them, today I start showing them how much Jesus loves them by laying my hands on them healing them in the Name of Jesus and telling them the real truth: I am God’s beloved, He has...

Come here to shake the world you live in through His sons because this is the will of our Father: to use us to His own good pleasure and for His Glory and not tomorrow or the next day or after some councelling or after some repentance from your side, but today is the day that Jesus heals you.

And today is the day that the Maker of the whole universe comes to you in the form of a humble servant to destroy the works of the devil in the fallen you, and to show you that you are a somebody and that you count and that you are loved by the great "I AM" who calls onto the starry hosts, to each of them by their name, and by His greatness and His power, not one is missing!!

Dave I feel this in my heart and it has set me ablaze!!
This mesasge is more urgent than death – I pray that you will preach this message to the growing body of Christ. I bless you... in the Name of Jesus.

God’s big Plan: to restore in us what was lost and stolen in the fall of mankind through the Mnished work of Jesus Christ who is life – so we can die to the lie and become sons again, not in the next life, but in this one!

God bless you, Dave Alston!”


Or Rob…

I found chapter 9 (the audio book version) extremely compelling.

So much so, that I purchased the entire book in audio form. I have been listening over the past two days.

Unfortunately, we sometimes have to lose someone we love in order to develop the where withal to wake up and fight the Spiritual Battle that we are all involved in (as you say) whether we want to be or not.

Take Care and may God continue to richly bless you in all your endeavors.


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Copywriter and author of "How To Unlock God's BIG Plan For Your Life." Christian since 1984, he sees everything the Bible said about the end of time is happening now :)